Managed ZK Prover Infrastructure
Atlantic Legacy Documentation
You’ve reached the Atlantic Legacy documentation page, which contains historical documentation from Atlantic’s beta testing phase prior to public launch. All documentation pages under Atlantic Legacy are maintained for reference purposes only.
Looking for Atlantic’s current documentation? Visit our this page for the latest guides, API references, and examples.
The Atlantic API allows you to perform queries and interact with brief description of what the API does. This section provides step-by-step guidance on how to authenticate, retrieve your API key, and interact with each endpoint.
Key Endpoints
Our API provides several crucial endpoints for managing your Atlantic queries:
Trace Generation
Generate traces for Cairo programs
Proof Generation
Generate proofs from program traces
L1 Verification
Generate and verify proofs on Layer 1
L2 Verification
Verify proofs on Layer 2 using Integrity
Program Registry
Register Cairo programs for future use
Status & Downloads
Check query status and download files