Input: Cairo Program (e.g., programFile.json)

  1. Generate trace file (

    • Endpoint: /trace-generation
    • Input: Compiled Cairo program (programFile or programHash)
    • Output: Trace file (
  2. Generate proof file (proof.json)

  3. Generate proof and verify on Layer 1 (L1)

    • Endpoint: /l1/atlantic-query
    • Input: Cairo program
    • Output: Trace, proof, and L1 verification
  4. Generate proof and verify on Layer 2 (L2)

    • Endpoint: /l2/atlantic-query
    • Input: Cairo program
    • Output: Trace, proof, and L2 verification
  5. Register program and get unique hash

    • Endpoint: /submit-program
    • Input: Cairo program file
    • Output: Unique programHash for future reference

Input: Trace File (

  1. Generate proof file (proof.json)

    • Endpoint: /proof-generation
    • Input:, layout, and prover settings
    • Output: Proof file (proof.json)
  2. Generate proof and verify on Layer 1 (L1)

  3. Generate proof and verify on Layer 2 (L2)

Input: Proof File (proof.json)

  1. Verify proof on Layer 2 (L2)